Monday 23 February 2009

Stanky Legg Proves to be Alarmingly Popular...SMH

So the official video has dropped...and I still think the track sucks ass...

However, after reading the stats that were posted up on DJ B's Blog, I'm pretty amazed/shocked at how popular it's become...

** #1 video on BET’s 106 & Park **

** Performing on BET’s: Rip The Runway (airing 3/2)**

** #19 on MTV2 Network **

** 30,000 in combined Digital and Mobile Sales (TW) **

** Over 2,460 spins this week (+233) **

** #28* on the Billboard R&B Singles Chart **

** #13* on the Billboard Rap Songs Chart**

**Fans recorded over 12,000 voicemails on the Official Stanky Legg Hotline**

** Over 15 million streams online **

That's a pretty big look...and there I was thinking that remedial dances were sooooo 2007?

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